Before The Green Moon

by Turnfollow

The Developer Says...

A science fiction farming simulation game set in a small community at the base of a space elevator during the days and seasons leading up to your departure for the moon.

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❤ Farming Mechanics

You take on the role of a farmer tasked with tending a plot of land at the base of a sprawling space elevator. The core gameplay loop revolves around planting, watering, and harvesting a variety of crops, with the ultimate goal of earning enough money to purchase a ticket to the moon. The farming mechanics are fairly straightforward. Each day, the game provides you with a limited number of seeds to plant, encouraging you to carefully manage your time and energy rather than optimize crop production. Watering plants, clearing weeds, and harvesting crops are the main farming activities, and you can upgrade your tools over time to make these tasks less taxing. The game's dynamic weather patterns, with distinct rainy and dry seasons, add an extra layer of challenge, as the rain can handle the watering for you on some days, while other days leave your crops desperately thirsty.

❤ Exploration and Relationships

Alongside the farming, a significant portion of the gameplay involves exploring the small town and interacting with its quirky residents. The town and its surrounding areas are not marked on a map, so you must organically discover new locations and characters through your daily routines. These interactions with the townspeople are a crucial part of the experience, as you gradually learn about their lives, struggles, and hopes - all while knowing that you will eventually have to leave this close-knit community behind.

❤ Open-Ended Progression

The game avoids the typical progression ladders found in many farming sims, instead allowing you to freely explore and develop your farmplot and relationships at your own pace. There are no strict timelines or requirements to meet, giving you the freedom to focus on the aspects of the game that most interest you. This open-ended approach means you can choose to either rapidly save up for your moon ticket or become deeply immersed in the community, potentially delaying your departure.

❤ Melancholic Tone

Underpinning the gameplay is a melancholic tone, as you come to care for the town and its residents, all while knowing that your stay is ultimately temporary. This bittersweet dynamic is a key part of the experience, as you must reconcile your desire to leave for the moon with your growing attachment to your newfound home. The game's ending, in particular, reflects this, presenting you with a poignant and reflective conclusion to your time in the community.

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