Parkour Tag

by Loopnova Studio

The Developer Says...

Parkour Tag is a platforming PvP game that faces two-players off in a competitive game of movement. Run vertically or horizontally on any wall, jump, double jump, slide, vault and more to outmaneuver your opponent and claim victory!

Players Like...

❤ Fluid, Skill-based Movement

Players can run along walls, jump, double jump, slide, and vault to outmaneuver their opponent. The responsive and satisfying traversal system has a high skill ceiling, but reviewers note an easy learning curve. Many mention mastering the mechanics within a few games, allowing them to "break their friends' ankles" with their parkour skills.

❤ Intense 1v1 Confrontations

The core gameplay loop pits two players against each other in a game of cat and mouse. One player acts as the "tagger" and must catch the other "runner" before the time runs out. If the tagger succeeds, they score a point. If the runner evades, they score a point. The first to reach the score cap with a two-point lead wins the match. Reviewers frequently highlight the panic-inducing, "primal" feeling of being chased or doing the chasing. They describe the experience as exhilarating, sparking a strong competitive drive to master the movement mechanics.

❤ Time Trials and Speedrunning

In addition to the PvP mode, the game offers time trials where players can race against the clock on various courses. Reviewers interested in speedrunning and optimizing their movement routes have found these time trials engaging and challenging, providing an avenue to hone their platforming skills and compete for the fastest times.

❤ Customization and Replayability

While the core gameplay loop is relatively simple, reviewers praise the game's potential for long-term replayability. The ability to customize one's character face and earn new emotes and avatars through progression is seen as a nice addition. Reviewers also suggest that adding more game modes, such as 2v2, free-for-all, or cooperative options, could further enhance the game's longevity and appeal to different player preferences.

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