Broken Banners

by Eirik Wiklund

The Developer Says...

Defend your kingdom from evil monsters in this combination of Tower Defense and Auto Battle. Place your defenses and stop the forces of evil from reaching your kingdom.

Players Like...

❤ Blends Tower Defense and Auto Battler Mechanics

The game combines the core tower defense gameplay of strategically placing and upgrading towers along predefined paths with an auto battler-style deck-building mechanic. Players must draft and combine different tower cards to create synergies and unlock faction-based bonuses, adding a fresh strategic element to the classic tower defense formula.

❤ Faction-Based Towers Encourage Experimentation

Each tower belongs to a specific faction, such as Humans, Elves, or Undead. Building multiple towers from the same faction unlocks powerful faction-based buffs and abilities, incentivizing players to experiment with different tower compositions to find the most effective strategies.

❤ Flexible Tower Upgrading and Combining

Upgrading towers by collecting three of the same card unlocks new abilities, allowing players to tailor their defenses. The ability to combine towers already placed on the map adds an additional layer of flexibility, enabling players to adapt to changing enemy compositions.

❤ Challenging, Hand-Drawn Maps

The game's hand-drawn maps feature a variety of strategic layouts and environmental challenges, such as split paths or choke points, that force players to carefully plan their tower placements. Each level presents a fresh challenge, with unique themes and designs that enhance the game's replayability.

❤ Balancing Economy and Offense

In addition to tower placement and upgrading, players must manage their in-game economy by balancing spending on new towers, upgrades, and income-generating structures. This economic aspect adds another strategic layer, as players must decide when to invest in offensive power versus defensive capabilities or income generation.

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