The Developer Says...

The ULTIMATE collection is here! It all began in ’93, and now, the weapon-based fighting game series that swept the world is ready to be taken home in a new stellar collection! Six NEOGEO titles as well as one mysterious, unreleased game are featured!

Players Like...

❤ Defensive, Tactical Gameplay

Players must adopt a patient, reactive playstyle in these games, prioritizing well-timed counterattacks and punishes over relentless offense and lengthy combos. The methodical, chess-like approach to combat is a core part of the series' identity, rewarding players who can read their opponent's moves and capitalize on openings.

❤ Varied and Unique Character Movesets

The diverse cast offers a wide range of playstyles, from swift, nimble swordsmen to powerful, slow-moving behemoths. Each character has a unique set of moves and strategies for players to explore and master, encouraging experimentation to find the right fit.

❤ Challenging Difficulty

Even at the lowest difficulty settings, the CPU opponents can be highly punishing, demanding that players learn the nuances of the combat system and execute with precision. While this high barrier to entry may be off-putting for some, those who persevere will find a deep, rewarding fighting game experience.

❤ Satisfying Offensive Options

Despite the emphasis on defense, the games offer a variety of satisfying offensive tools. Heavy strikes can deplete a significant portion of the opponent's health, while well-placed special moves and powerful "Rage Explosion" attacks can lead to devastating combos. The offense is balanced against the defensive, reactive playstyle, creating a delicate risk/reward dynamic.

❤ Elegant Weapon-Based Combat

The weapon-based fighting sets these games apart, with the clashing of blades and the fear of a single, devastating hit creating a unique tension and intensity to the battles. The animations and sound design contribute to the visceral, elegant feel of the combat, making each exchange feel weighty and impactful.

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