Jitsu Squad

by Tanuki Creative Studio

The Developer Says...

Jitsu Squad is a Marvel vs Capcom inspired 4 player co-op TAG TEAM beat ‘em up with epic character transformations and fast paced combat.

Players Like...

❤ Responsive and Precise Controls

Players praise the game's tight control scheme, which allows for agile movement and crisp, responsive attacks. The characters feel highly maneuverable, and inputs register smoothly, creating a satisfying and skill-based combat experience.

❤ Extensive Combo System

The combat system offers surprising depth, with players highlighting the game's impressive combo potential. Chaining together a variety of attacks, special moves, and maneuvers enables extended, visually-striking combos that showcase the player's mastery of the controls.

❤ Crucial Parry Mechanic

An essential part of the gameplay, the parry system allows players to time their button presses to deflect enemy attacks. Mastering the parry timing is crucial, especially in boss fights, as it provides a powerful defensive tool to overcome challenging encounters.

❤ Unique Playable Characters

Each of the four playable characters has their own distinct movesets and playstyles, encouraging experimentation to find the fighter that best suits the player's preferences. Reviewers appreciate the variety in abilities, with characters offering different strengths and weaknesses.

❤ Transformative Power-ups

By collecting soul orbs, players can activate a powerful "Ultimate Armor" transformation, which enhances their attacks and provides temporary invincibility. These transformations add an extra layer of strategy and excitement to the combat.

❤ Thrilling, Chaotic Battles

The gameplay is praised for its frenetic, fast-paced action, with the screen often becoming packed with enemies, projectiles, and visual effects. While this can occasionally make it challenging to track one's character, the overall experience is described as thrilling and satisfying.

❤ Cooperative Multiplayer

The 4-player local co-op mode is highlighted as a major strength, allowing friends to team up and tackle the game's challenges together. The ability to tag in and out different characters mid-combat adds to the cooperative experience and increases the game's replayability.

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