Dwarf Fortress

by Bay 12 Games, Kitfox Games

The Developer Says...

The deepest, most intricate simulation of a world that's ever been created. The legendary Dwarf Fortress is now on Steam. Build a fortress and try to help your dwarves survive against a deeply generated world.

Players Like...

❤ Emergent Narratives Arise from Unpredictable Events

The game world develops in unpredictable and fascinating ways, continually surprising players. Randomized events, personalities, and interactions lead to unique and captivating narratives that unfold organically. For instance, players may encounter a Beaver demon that rules a neighboring region, holding friendly wrestling competitions with local dwarves. Or a vampire may infiltrate a fortress and become its mayor, decorating his cavernous prison with masterful engravings. These unexpected stories and the feeling that "anything can happen" captivate many players.

❤ Unparalleled Depth and Complexity

The game simulates a vast array of interconnected systems in remarkable detail. It models intricate geology, dynamic weather patterns, and the complex relationships between individual dwarves. This level of simulation results in a lifelike world where even the smallest decisions can have far-reaching consequences. Players must carefully balance mining, farming, military defense, and the needs of their dwarves to ensure the survival and prosperity of their settlement.

❤ Unpredictable Challenges Test Player Adaptability

Sudden invasions by hostile creatures, devastating natural disasters, and the unexpected consequences of dwarven decisions constantly test players. For example, a horde of 85 mounted, metal-wielding goblins may march on the fortress, forcing the player to quickly mobilize their militia. Or a dwarven child's crushed leg may lead to a grisly situation where the child's blood stains the wool of the nearby sheep for years. These unpredictable challenges create a constant sense of tension, requiring players to devise creative solutions to overcome the obstacles that arise.

❤ Dwarven Personalities Drive Narrative and Gameplay

The individual dwarves that make up the fortress have unique personalities, skills, and relationships. Players must understand and cater to the needs and quirks of their dwarves, as their happiness, productivity, and even sanity can significantly impact the success of the settlement. For instance, a dwarven jeweler may become so obsessed with creating a masterpiece that he starves to death in his workshop, only to have his skull transformed into a prized cup.

❤ Endless Possibilities for Emergent Storytelling

The depth, complexity, and unpredictability of the game result in an almost limitless potential for emergent narratives. Every fortress is unique, with its own set of challenges, triumphs, and tragedies. Players often find themselves deeply invested in the stories that unfold, whether it's the heroic exploits of a revered military commander or the tragic downfall of a once-prosperous settlement. The opportunity to create and share these Dwarf Fortress sagas is a major draw for many players.

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