Strategic Command WWII: World at War

by Fury Software, Slitherine Ltd.

The Developer Says...

Strategic Command WWII: World At War is your chance to re-fight the 20th century’s greatest conflict, from Poland to China, Normandy to the Pacific, on a map encompassing the globe.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Overview

Players take control of either the Axis or Allied powers, overseeing the entire World War II conflict on a global, hex-based map. The core gameplay loop revolves around making strategic decisions each turn to advance their position across multiple intertwined systems.

❤ Production and Research

Players allocate resources to build military units, upgrade technologies, and manage production facilities. This allows customizing unit capabilities and developing new technologies over the course of the war. For example, players can invest in improving infantry weapons, anti-submarine warfare, or amphibious capabilities.

❤ Diplomacy

The game's diplomacy system lets players attempt to sway neutral countries to join their alliance or undermine opponents. Diplomatic actions can have far-reaching consequences, such as delaying the entry of certain nations into the war.

❤ Supply and Logistics

Maintaining supply lines and controlling key transportation hubs is crucial, as unsupplied units suffer penalties. The supply system adds an important strategic layer, as players must carefully position headquarters and manage rail networks to support military operations.

❤ Combat

Ground, air, and naval combat uses a straightforward system of attack and defense values, with factors like unit type, terrain, and supply status influencing outcomes. While not overly complex, the mechanics encourage thoughtful positioning and combined-arms tactics.

❤ Accessible Complexity

Reviewers praise the game for striking a balance between a relatively simple learning curve and meaningful strategic depth. Players can grasp the core systems quickly, then explore more advanced concepts as they gain experience.

❤ Immersive Scope

The ability to oversee the entire global conflict, making decisions that impact multiple theaters, provides an epic World War II experience. The large map and historical scope allow for a high degree of replayability.

❤ Pacing and Challenge

Turns progress at a brisk pace, enabling players to complete campaigns in a reasonable timeframe. The game's mix of scripted events, randomized elements, and varied scenarios keeps the experience fresh and challenging, even against the capable AI opponent.

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