Hiding Spot

by Corey Martin

The Developer Says...

A difficult puzzle game about isolating yourself. Build a safe place, huddle up and get cozy.

Players Like...

❤ Objective and Mechanics

The objective in each level is to completely surround the protagonist with furniture and level geometry, creating a 1x1x1 hiding spot. Players can push, pull, and in some cases, flip or open/close various pieces of furniture, each with unique interactions. This variety in furniture behavior adds complexity, as players must carefully consider how to combine different items to construct the necessary hiding spot.

❤ Progression and Difficulty

The game introduces new furniture types gradually, allowing players to familiarize themselves with the unique mechanics of each piece before encountering more challenging puzzles that require combining multiple mechanics. Reviewers praise this progressive difficulty curve, as it creates a satisfying sense of progression and discovery.

❤ Spatial Reasoning and Problem-Solving

The isometric 3D perspective and the need to consider the three-dimensional nature of the hiding spot add an extra layer of complexity compared to traditional 2D puzzle games. Reviewers highlight how the game challenges players to think creatively and explore the limitations and interactions of the furniture pieces, often requiring visualizing the end result and working backward to find the correct sequence of moves.

❤ Flexibility and Accessibility

The game features an unlimited undo function, allowing players to experiment and backtrack without fear of making irreversible mistakes. Combined with the relatively small scale of the puzzles, this approach encourages exploration and problem-solving without becoming overly frustrating, making the game accessible for both experienced and new puzzle enthusiasts.

❤ Thematic Relevance

The premise of the protagonist seeking a safe, hidden space to retreat from the world resonates with many players, adding emotional depth to the experience. The minimalist aesthetic and soothing soundtrack further contribute to the game's immersive puzzle-solving experience.

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