Until You Fall

by Schell Games

The Developer Says...

Fantasy and synthwave collide in this physically active VR sword fighting game. Grow stronger as you battle through an awesome neon environment and strike down magic-infused monstrosities in this hack-and-slash roguelite. Fight. Fall. Rise Again.

Players Like...

❤ Engaging Sword Combat Mechanics

You wield two weapons, one in each hand, and must actively block, dodge, and attack enemies using natural sword-swinging motions. The game features a unique combat system that relies on visual and audio cues to telegraph enemy attacks. To successfully parry an incoming attack, you must line up your weapon with a glowing blue block, then follow up by striking the enemy along indicated yellow attack paths to deplete their guard and health. This creates a satisfying rhythm of defense and offense, requiring you to carefully time your blocks and attacks.

❤ Variety in Weapons and Abilities

The game offers a diverse array of melee weapons, each with their own unique special abilities and playstyles. From heavy two-handed hammers to swift daggers, the weapon variety encourages you to mix and match loadouts to find your preferred fighting style. Each weapon also has an associated special "super" attack that you can activate after building up charge, adding an extra layer of strategy as you decide when to unleash these powerful moves. Beyond the weapons themselves, you can also acquire various power-ups and passive upgrades during each run, further reinforcing the depth of the combat system.

❤ Challenging, Skill-Based Progression

While the game features a roguelite structure, with you starting over from the beginning after each death, the difficulty is very much skill-based. Enemies telegraph their attacks clearly, but you must develop the reflexes and muscle memory to properly block, dodge, and counterattack. The game's difficulty scales sharply, with later levels and boss encounters requiring you to flawlessly execute complex attack patterns and manage multiple enemies at once. Overcoming these challenges provides a tremendous sense of accomplishment, as you feel your skills improving with each run. The permanent progression system, which allows you to unlock and upgrade new weapons between runs, provides tangible rewards for this skill development, enabling you to tackle higher difficulties and delve deeper into the game's neon-tinged fantasy world.

❤ Physicality and Immersion in VR

At its core, the game is designed from the ground up for virtual reality. The intense, physical sword combat is perfectly suited for VR's ability to translate your real-world movements into the game world. Swinging swords, blocking attacks, and dodging enemy strikes all feel viscerally satisfying in the immersive VR environment. This physicality also contributes to the game's fitness aspect, as you are often required to move your entire body to evade attacks and land devastating blows. The captivating synthwave-inspired aesthetic and audio design work in tandem with the VR experience to create a sense of true presence, transporting you into the neon-drenched fantasy world of Rokar and making every battle feel tense and exciting.

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