

The Developer Says...

A young Plague Doctor, only to learn that the Academy sent to a small village, which, like the whole country is gripped by plague

Players Like...

❤ Collect Herbs, Craft Potions

At the core of the gameplay loop, you must collect three different herbs - red, blue, and yellow - and combine them into specific potion recipes to cure infected villagers. Managing your limited herb supply is crucial, as different potions require varying amounts and combinations of the herbs. This strategic resource management presents tough choices, as you must decide whether to focus on curing as many people as possible or ensure you have enough herbs to treat yourself if you become infected.

❤ Contain the Plague's Spread

Alongside curing villagers, you must also take proactive steps to limit the plague's spread. This involves locating and destroying rat nests, which act as breeding grounds for the disease. You can stomp on individual rats or use fire to burn down the nests, both of which earn you points and help prevent the infection from spiraling out of control.

❤ Delicate Balance and Tough Decisions

Reviewers praise the challenging balancing act, as you must constantly weigh the need to cure villagers against the risk of becoming infected yourself. With limited resources and a rapidly spreading outbreak, you have to make tough decisions about who to save and how to prioritize your efforts. This creates a tense, high-stakes atmosphere that keeps you engaged throughout the experience.

❤ Simplicity and Replayability

The gameplay is relatively straightforward, but many reviewers found it engaging and addictive. While there is only a single level, the randomized nature of the outbreak and the need to adapt to different scenarios ensure each playthrough feels fresh. Additionally, the game's focus on achievements provides an incentive to experiment with different strategies and approaches, further enhancing the title's replayability.

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