Vampire: The Masquerade — Parliament of Knives

by Choice of Games

The Developer Says...

Dominate undead politics through cunning and violence! Will a missing Prince give you the opening to betray your sire and seize power?

Players Like...

❤ Selecting Your Vampire Clan

Players begin the game by choosing their character's vampire clan - Ventrue, Nosferatu, or Toreador. Each clan grants unique abilities and playstyles, restricting the player's available disciplines. This encourages multiple playthroughs to experience the different gameplay approaches these clan choices offer.

❤ Navigating the Political Landscape

The game's progression revolves around the player's decisions and actions, rather than traditional RPG mechanics like leveling up. Instead, the game tracks the player's relationships, reputations, and skills through a percentage-based system. As players navigate the complex political intrigues, their choices directly impact how other characters and factions perceive them.

❤ Impactful Choices and Consequences

The game's branching narrative is its core strength, with player choices having a significant impact on the story. Reviewers praise the game's ability to surprise them with unexpected developments based on their decisions. Unlike some choose-your-own-adventure games, the consequences in this title feel weighty and irreversible, locking out entire plot threads or opening new avenues to explore.

❤ Replayability and Exploration

The game's extensive branching narrative and varied paths encourage multiple playthroughs. Reviewers report that revisiting the game is necessary to uncover the full scope of the story and unravel the complex mysteries at its heart. Exploration is facilitated by the game's robust cast of characters, each with their own agendas and perspectives on the unfolding events.

❤ Skill System and Mechanics

While the game focuses primarily on narrative, it incorporates a percentage-based skill system that allows players to shape their character's capabilities. Reviewers note that the skills are well-integrated into the story, with them influencing the available dialogue options and outcomes of critical moments.

❤ Accessibility and Presentation

As a text-based game, the presentation is entirely focused on the written word, which some reviewers appreciate for its immersive storytelling. The interface, while functional, is a bit utilitarian, with features like a character sheet and reputation tracker helping players keep track of their progress and relationships.

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