Tally Ho

by Choice of Games

The Developer Says...

Only a perfect servant can solve a perfect mess! Being the perfect gentleman's gentleman or lady's lady doesn't make you an angel. Can you untangle your employer's knottiest problems with elegance and unruffled grace?

Players Like...

❤ Narrative Choices Shape the Story

The game offers players a vast number of choices that dramatically impact the direction of the narrative. Reviewers praise the high level of player agency, noting that their decisions lead to significantly different storylines and outcomes. One player mentioned experiencing "a very nice length" of content, with their choices closing off various paths, which incentivized multiple playthroughs to explore the game's breadth.

❤ Unpredictable Skill Checks Challenge Players

The gameplay utilizes a skill system that factors into the success or failure of numerous choices. While some players found this system "frustrating" due to the unpredictability of which skills mattered in specific situations, others appreciated the strategic element of optimizing their character build. One reviewer described occasionally making choices they thought should succeed, only to fail unexpectedly, leading to "odd consequences."

❤ Hilarious Humor Delights Players

Reviewers consistently highlight the game's exceptional comedic writing, describing the dialogue as "witty" and the scenarios as "whimsical" and "absurd." Many players reported frequently laughing out loud, praising the game's ability to deliver genuinely humorous moments that complement the overall "charming" and "lighthearted" tone.

❤ Memorable Characters Invite Engagement

The diverse cast of well-written characters is a major draw for players. Reviewers expressed fondness for the distinct personalities they could interact with, whether through romance, friendship, or rivalry. One player noted their ability to customize their servant protagonist's personality, which allowed them to further engage with the supporting cast.

❤ Extensive Replayability Encourages Exploration

Given the branching narrative, skill-based challenges, and extensive cast, the game is praised for its high replayability. Players report enjoying multiple playthroughs to uncover alternative storylines, make different choices, and see how the game world and characters respond to their decisions. The game's density of content further fuels this desire to explore the various paths and outcomes.

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