Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced

by Gearbox Software, Blind Squirrel Games, 2K

The Developer Says...

Discover the original co-op shooter-looter, crammed with new enhancements! As one of 4 trigger-happy mercenaries with RPG progression, equip bazillions of guns to take on the desert planet Pandora.

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❤ Gameplay Overview

Players select from one of four playable characters in this cooperative first-person shooter with RPG elements. Each character has unique special abilities and skill trees to customize their playstyle. The core gameplay loop revolves around exploring the open world of Pandora, engaging in intense firefights with a variety of enemy types, and collecting increasingly powerful loot in the form of millions of procedurally generated guns, grenades, shields, and other gear.

❤ Satisfying Shooting Mechanics

The gunplay is the heart of the experience, with each weapon feeling distinct in its behaviors, recoil patterns, and elemental effects. Players can wield a wide variety of firearms, from standard assault rifles and shotguns to more exotic energy weapons and rocket launchers. Accurately landing shots on enemies' defined weak points is rewarded with increased damage.

❤ Expansive Character Progression

As players level up their chosen Vault Hunter, they gain skill points to invest into an expansive skill tree. This allows for significant customization, enabling players to spec into different combat roles such as a gunzerking, grenade-slinging berserker or a stealthy sniper. Rare loot also plays a major role, as powerful gear can dramatically alter a player's capabilities and playstyle.

❤ Cooperative Mayhem

The game shines when played cooperatively with friends. Up to four players can team up to take on the challenges of Pandora together, reviving downed allies, sharing loot, and coordinating deadly attacks. The scaling system ensures that the experience remains engaging for both solo and cooperative play.

❤ Exploration and Side Content

Beyond the main campaign, the game features a wealth of optional side quests and activities to discover. Players can take on bounties, participate in arena battles, and explore the expansive open world to uncover hidden caches of loot and collectibles. This encourages players to thoroughly scour each area, with a sense of exploration and discovery driving the experience.

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