
by SuperTry Studios

The Developer Says...

Haque is a glitch fantasy roguelike adventure about cute monsters, low-bit hauntings, and a suspiciously talkative narrator. Choose your character and battle through forests, deserts and dungeons to defeat a mysterious evil. Die often. Try again!

Players Like...

❤ Character Randomization Fosters Adaptability

At the start of each run, players choose from three randomly generated characters, each with a unique race, class, and starting equipment. This unpredictable character selection forces players to adapt their playstyle to the strengths and weaknesses of their assigned build. Players can even "lock in" a character they enjoy, allowing them to develop specialized strategies around certain class combinations.

❤ Tactical Turn-Based Combat Demands Careful Planning

The game's turn-based combat system encourages players to meticulously plan their moves. Each action, whether it's attacking, using a special ability, or moving, consumes a turn. With a limited set of two class/race abilities and two equipped abilities, players must strategize how to best utilize their skillset in each encounter, considering the positioning of both their character and enemies.

❤ Randomized Upgrades Facilitate Replayability

Rather than a traditional leveling system, the game offers randomized upgrades at the end of each level. These upgrades can enhance the player's abilities, grant new traits, or even modify their familiar. The unpredictable nature of these upgrades forces players to adapt their strategies, as the path to success is not always clear. This system encourages risk-taking and experimentation with different builds.

❤ Intuitive Movement and Exploration Incentivize Discovery

The game's tile-based grid system allows for straightforward navigation and tactical positioning. The randomized level design and presence of hidden rooms and secrets motivate players to explore the environment thoroughly. The turn-based combat ensures that each step is carefully considered, adding tension and a sense of deliberation to the exploration experience.

❤ Narrative Integration Adds Personality and Depth

One of the game's standout features is the seamless integration of its narrative elements with the gameplay. The charming, self-aware narrator provides commentary and context throughout the player's journey, often breaking the fourth wall and engaging with the player in unexpected ways. This narrative integration adds a layer of personality and depth to the experience, making the player's actions feel more meaningful within the game's world.

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