A clear summer sky spreads over the Hoshinomiya Girls' High School. This story begins with the belated start of school life for Hinako Shirai, who has just recovered from a leg injury due to a tragic accident. The magical sisters Yuzu and Lime bestowed to her a special power to become a "Reflector".
The game places players in two distinct settings - the Hoshinomiya Girls' High School, where they engage in social interactions and complete quests, and the fantasy realm known as the "Common", where the main turn-based combat takes place.
During the school segments, players can interact with various classmates, accept and complete quests, and participate in mini-games and other activities. This portion of the game emphasizes character development and relationship building, allowing players to chat with their friends, respond to messages on an in-game smartphone, and unlock new events by deepening their bonds with other students.
The core gameplay revolves around turn-based battles in the Common. Players control a party of three characters - the protagonist Hinako, and her two magical girl allies, Yuzu and Lime. Each character has a unique set of customizable skills and abilities.
The combat system offers a straightforward yet strategic experience, with players choosing from offensive and defensive actions, such as standard attacks, special skills, and healing spells. A key mechanic is the "Knockback" system, which allows players to delay an enemy's turn by using certain skills, adding an element of timing and disruption to the battles.
Instead of traditional level-based progression, the game uses a Fragments-based system, where players spend these resources to unlock and upgrade their character's skills and stats. Fragments are obtained through quests, enemy encounters, and crafting, enabling a flexible and customizable approach to character development.
The Common serves as the primary exploration and combat area, offering a cohesive magical world with relatively linear, yet visually appealing environments. Players navigate these dungeons, collect resources, and encounter a variety of enemy types, including powerful Sephira bosses that advance the main narrative.
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