7 Days to End with You

by Lizardry, PLAYISM

The Developer Says...

To know a language, know the world, and finally know you.

Players Like...

❤ Deciphering an Unknown Language

At the game's start, players cannot understand a single word spoken by the female protagonist. To progress the narrative, players must gradually piece together the meanings of words and phrases by observing their contextual usage in conversations and interactions. Reviewers praise this language-learning mechanic as a novel and engaging way to drive the story forward.

❤ Solidifying Vocabulary through Repetition

As players encounter certain words repeatedly, they are able to solidify the definitions in their minds. Reviewers highlight the rewarding "eureka moments" when a cluster of previously learned words suddenly clicks into place, allowing them to understand the story on a deeper level.

❤ Constructing Personal Interpretations

The game encourages players to construct their own interpretation of the narrative based on the words they've learned, rather than presenting a definitive, correct storyline. Reviewers appreciate this openness to subjective understanding, as it allows them to project their own ideas and theories onto the unfolding events.

❤ Evolving Perceptions through Replays

While the core seven-day narrative remains the same across playthroughs, the flexibility in interpretation means that players can arrive at vastly different understandings of the story and characters with each new attempt. Reviewers highlight how revisiting the game with an expanded vocabulary allows them to recontextualize earlier interactions.

❤ Room for Improvement

Some players have noted that the language system, while novel, can at times feel overly simplistic, with certain key words proving frustratingly difficult to decipher without external assistance. Additionally, the lack of a true "skip" function to bypass repeated dialogue makes successive playthroughs feel tedious. Several reviewers expressed a desire for more branching narrative paths and endings to further encourage replayability.

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