This Strange Realm Of Mine

by Doomster Entertainment

The Developer Says...

This Strange Realm Of Mine is a First Person Shooter mixed with poetry and psychological horror. Graphic style is 3D mixed with pixel art.

Players Like...

❤ Shooting Mechanics

The core first-person shooter (FPS) combat offers responsive controls and satisfying weaponry. Players can choose from a variety of firearms, including pistols, shotguns, submachine guns, and sniper rifles. The gunplay feels weighty and impactful, with headshots being particularly effective due to the precision aiming. One distinctive mechanic is the loss of any remaining ammo when reloading - players must carefully manage their shots to conserve ammunition. This adds a tactical layer to the combat encounters.

❤ Level Variety

Beyond the traditional FPS segments, the game introduces a variety of level designs and objectives. Some stages focus more on exploration and puzzle-solving, while others experiment with unique mechanics. For example, one level features a 2D platforming sequence, and another requires the player to avoid direct eye contact with NPCs. This diverse range of gameplay keeps the experience fresh, preventing it from feeling repetitive, even if the core shooting does not significantly evolve over the course of the adventure.

❤ Difficulty and Replayability

The difficulty options allow players to customize the challenge, ranging from an "I dislike resistance" easy mode to a "I like a challenge" hard setting. Reviewers note that the easier difficulties make the combat relatively straightforward, while the higher settings significantly ramp up the challenge on certain levels. Additionally, the game's multiple endings and achievement system encourage replayability, as players can make different choices to unlock new conclusions to the narrative.

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