Braid, Anniversary Edition

by Thekla, Inc.

The Developer Says...

Control the flow of time to solve puzzles in this new version of the indie classic, featuring fully repainted artwork, a new world of puzzles, and seriously in-depth commentary.

Players Like...

❤ Manipulating the Flow of Time

At the core of the gameplay, players can rewind, pause, and move time forward to overcome the intricate puzzles. In one level, platforms only exist when time is rewound, forcing players to carefully coordinate their movements. In another, enemies can only be defeated by manipulating the timeline. These clever, multilayered challenges encourage creative problem-solving and experimentation with the time-based mechanics.

❤ Exploration Rewards Curiosity

Hidden within the beautifully-crafted environments are jigsaw puzzle pieces that players must collect to piece together the narrative. This encourages thorough exploration, as players carefully examine their surroundings and test the boundaries of the time-manipulation abilities. Discovering these collectibles provides a sense of satisfaction and a deeper understanding of the game's thematic underpinnings.

❤ Striking a Balance

The difficulty of the puzzles has been praised for striking a well-calibrated balance. While challenging the player's problem-solving skills, the ability to rewind time at any point alleviates frustration, allowing for experimentation until a solution is found. This accessibility, combined with the depth of the puzzles, creates a rewarding experience for players of various skill levels.

❤ Revisiting with Fresh Eyes

For returning players, the Anniversary Edition offers new reasons to replay the game. Redesigned levels and puzzles provide a novel experience, while the ability to seamlessly toggle between the original and remastered visuals encourages comparison and further exploration. Additionally, the extensive developer commentary, which is woven into the gameplay, offers fascinating insights into the creative process behind the game's design.

❤ Narrative Depth Elevates the Experience

Underlying the inventive gameplay is a sparse but evocative narrative that encourages players to ponder concepts of regret, relationships, and the nature of time itself. This added layer of thematic depth resonates with many, elevating the experience beyond a mere puzzle game and transforming it into a thoughtful, multifaceted work of interactive art.

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