Brigand: Oaxaca

by Brian Lancaster, Laughing Coyote Software

The Developer Says...

Brigand: Oaxaca is a highly difficult post-apocalyptic RPG/FPS set in Mexico. Emphasis is on challenge, a branching story with multiple endings, and total freedom of action (kill friendly characters, rob stores, jump across roofs, etc.).

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Depth and Customization

The game features 14 unique skills that players can upgrade, including firearms, hacking, voodoo, and more. This allows players to tailor their character build to their preferred playstyle, whether that's a stealthy hacker, a heavy-gunner, or a voodoo-wielding mage. Additionally, the game offers over 80 special abilities that players can unlock, further expanding the options for how to approach challenges.

❤ Branching Narrative and Freedom of Choice

Players can make decisions that drastically impact the course of events, leading to multiple paths and endings. This non-linear approach extends to the gameplay, as players have total freedom of movement and action. They can choose to sneak, shoot, use voodoo, or even kill friendly characters if they so desire. This level of player agency and consequence is a key draw for fans of immersive sims and open-world RPGs.

❤ Challenging, Unforgiving Combat

Players must carefully manage their stats, skills, and resources to have a fighting chance against the game's formidable enemies. Firearms, in particular, require a high level of skill to use effectively, with the crosshair taking time to steady and aim. Melee combat is also treacherous, with enemies often attacking faster than the player can react. This punishing combat, combined with the game's limited save system, creates a high-stakes experience where death is always a looming threat.

❤ Emergent Gameplay and Experimentation

The game encourages experimentation, allowing players to approach problems in unconventional ways, such as using the environment, crafting abilities, or even exploiting the AI. This, along with the branching narrative, leads to a gameplay experience that is unique to each player and playthrough, fostering a sense of discovery and rewarding exploration.

❤ Flawed but Compelling

While the game is not without its flaws, such as occasional technical issues and uneven difficulty, players have consistently praised its ambition, creativity, and immersive qualities. The blend of deep RPG mechanics, uncompromising challenge, and freedom of choice creates a one-of-a-kind experience that resonates with fans of the immersive sim and hardcore RPG genres.

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