by Soleil Ltd., Bandai Namco Entertainment

The Developer Says...

Battle as a team of 4 to compete against other teams online! Graphically, SHINOBI STRIKER is also built from the ground up in a completely new graphic style. Lead your team and fight online to see who the best ninjas are!

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Overview

Players create their own customizable ninja character and team up with three others to compete in 4v4 online matches. The core gameplay revolves around mastering the unique combat mechanics and synergizing with your team to defeat the opposing side.

❤ Movement and Traversal

Players can freely run along walls, leap between buildings, and navigate the environment with parkour-like fluidity. This mobility is a core part of the combat, allowing you to quickly reposition, evade attacks, and engage enemies from unexpected angles.

❤ Jutsu and Combat

Each player can select two jutsu abilities corresponding to one of four core combat roles - Attack, Ranged, Defense, and Heal. These jutsu range from powerful area-of-effect attacks to supportive abilities that buff teammates or debuff enemies. Combining these abilities in creative ways and timing their usage is crucial to outmaneuvering opponents. The combat itself has a satisfying, skill-based feel. You must carefully manage your stamina, land combos, and time your blocks and dodges to outplay your opponents. The lock-on targeting system and auto-tracking attacks add a dynamic, fast-paced flow to the fighting, rewarding players who can maintain positioning and awareness amidst the chaos.

❤ Team Synergy and Roles

The four combat roles encourage players to specialize and complement each other's strengths. A well-balanced team that can manage aggression, defense, healing, and crowd control will have a significant advantage over disorganized opponents. The gameplay loop revolves around working together, protecting and supporting one another, and executing carefully planned attack patterns and strategies.

❤ Customization and Progression

Players can meticulously curate the appearance, abilities, and equipment of their ninja, unlocking new cosmetic items, jutsu, and ninja tools through progression. This sense of personalization and growth keeps players invested in continuously refining and improving their unique fighter.

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