异常 | Exception

by Kunpo Games

The Developer Says...

Exception is a game about AI programming. During the game, the player assists the units to defeat their enemies in the virtual world. However, the player needs to control the units by programming instead of controlling them directly.

Players Like...

❤ Coding Units to Defeat Enemies

The game allows players to control units in a virtual world by programming them, rather than directly controlling them. Players use a simple, graphical programming language to create instructions for their units, such as moving, attacking, and responding to various conditions. This programming-centric gameplay is the core focus of the experience and is widely praised by players as a unique and engaging way to interact with the game.

❤ Solving Strategic Programming Puzzles

Each level presents players with a different programming challenge that they must solve. These puzzles require strategic thinking and the ability to break down problems into smaller, manageable parts. Players enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes from successfully programming their units to complete the level's objectives, which often involve defeating enemies or navigating through obstacles.

❤ Gradual Increase in Complexity

The game's difficulty ramps up at a measured pace, allowing players to gradually learn and master the programming concepts. While the early levels are relatively simple, the later puzzles become increasingly complex, challenging players to expand their programming skills and explore more advanced techniques. This gradual progression is appreciated by players, as it provides a solid foundation before introducing more challenging problems.

❤ Replayability through Debugging

One of the key aspects that players enjoy is the replayability factor. Since the player's units fight automatically based on the programmed instructions, players can iterate and debug their code to find more efficient or effective solutions. The inability to directly control the units once the battle begins forces players to rely on their programming skills, leading to a sense of satisfaction when their carefully crafted code leads to victory.

❤ Intuitive Programming Interface

The game's implementation of a graphical programming language is praised by many players as being intuitive and user-friendly. The drag-and-drop interface and visual representation of the programming logic make it accessible for both experienced programmers and newcomers to the concept. This accessibility is seen as a strength, as it allows players to focus on the core puzzle-solving aspect rather than being hindered by a complex programming environment.

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