Tower of Time

by Event Horizon

The Developer Says...

A new kind of RPG awaits you. A story-rich dungeon crawler with innovative real-time combat that lets you pause or slow time. Tactical thinking is essential to succeed. Now with RPGlite and Permadeath for fast-paced game.

Players Like...

❤ Tactical Real-Time Combat System

The game's defining feature is its unique real-time combat system. Players control a party of up to 4 characters out of 7 available on separate arena-style maps. While the combat is real-time, players can pause or slow down time using the "Arrow Time" mechanic. This allows for deep tactical decision-making, as players can carefully position their characters, coordinate abilities, and react to new threats. Each battle is designed as a tactical puzzle, requiring players to synergize their party's skills and equipment to overcome the challenges. The combat emphasizes positioning, threat management, and elemental resistances, with a wide variety of abilities at the players' disposal.

❤ Flexible Character Progression

While players do not create their own custom characters, the 7 pre-defined "champions" offer a great deal of flexibility in character progression. Each character has two exclusive skill trees, allowing players to specialize them in different ways. Skills can also be freely reset and reassigned, encouraging experimentation with different builds. Character progression is not tied to experience points, but rather to spending in-game gold found throughout the levels and earned from combat. The requirement to upgrade class-specific buildings to unlock more levels for a character adds an additional layer of strategic choice to character development.

❤ Diverse Combat Encounters

The combat encounters provide a varied and challenging experience. Players will face a wide array of enemy types, each with their own unique skills and behaviors. Battles can involve defending against waves of enemies spawning from portals, rescuing captured party members, or facing off against powerful boss enemies. The levels themselves also play a role, with environmental obstacles and hazards that players must navigate and leverage to their advantage. No two battles are exactly the same, forcing players to adapt their tactics to the specific situation.

❤ Rewarding Exploration and Loot

Exploration is a key part of the experience, as players delve deeper into the tower and uncover a wealth of loot, including weapons, armor, and other equipment. The loot system is robust, with a wide variety of stats and affixes that can significantly impact a character's capabilities. Careful exploration is rewarded, as players may discover optional side quests, hidden rooms, and other secrets that can provide valuable resources or upgrades. The tower's levels are also filled with lore and worldbuilding elements, encouraging players to read through the various texts and journals they find.

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