Ion Fury

by Voidpoint, LLC, 3D Realms

The Developer Says...

3D Realms, creators of Duke Nukem 3D, Prey, and Max Payne, are excited to team up with Voidpoint to bring back the legendary Build Engine, famously known for classic first-person shooters like Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, and Blood. Ion Fury is the real deal!

Players Like...

❤ Diverse Weapon Arsenal and Satisfying Combat

Players praise the game's varied weapon selection, which allows them to engage enemies in creative and flexible ways. The tri-barreled Loverboy revolver's secondary fire mode marks targets, automatically aiming and firing two quick shots. The shotgun's grenade launcher functionality and the devastating bowling bomb explosives provide players with a range of tools to handle diverse threats. Gamers highlight the smooth, responsive handling of the weapons, which captures the essence of classic first-person shooter combat.

❤ Expertly Crafted, Interconnected Levels

The game's levels earn widespread acclaim for their exceptional design and attention to detail. Players describe the environments as vast, filled with multiple paths and secrets to discover. The levels seamlessly transition into one another, creating a cohesive and immersive game world that spans neon-soaked cityscapes, industrial complexes, and underground facilities. Verticality and platforming elements, facilitated by the responsive movement mechanics, encourage thorough exploration and reward players for thoroughly searching each area.

❤ Challenging yet Fair Gameplay

Reviewers highlight the game's difficult yet fair challenge, which requires players to master the mechanics and enemy behaviors to progress. The highest difficulty settings, such as "Angel of Death" mode, test players' skills and offer a true old-school challenge. The emphasis on precise movement, resource management, and tactical engagement with enemies adds depth and replayability, as players experiment with different strategies and weapon combinations to overcome the game's encounters. The abundance of secrets and optional objectives further extends the game's replayability, as players are motivated to thoroughly explore the levels to uncover hidden rewards and optimized paths. The level of detail and the ability to discover new secrets on successive playthroughs contribute to a sense of exploration and discovery that keeps the gameplay engaging and rewarding.

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