
by Pixeljam

The Developer Says...

. . .. ... ......A homegrown, hand-cranked winter pinball adventure. Send your behemoth snow spheres through a bobsled maze of snowbanks, homemade wooden paddles, Tesla coils, igloos, railcars and more... ... .. . .

Players Like...

❤ Innovative Pinball Mechanics

Instead of traditional metal balls, players control a "behemoth snow sphere" that can grow in size as it collects jewels and snowballs. This unique mechanic adds an extra layer of strategy, as players must carefully manage the size of their snow sphere to navigate the various obstacles and targets on the table.

❤ Varied Obstacles and Interactable Elements

The pinball table is filled with a diverse array of obstacles and interactable elements, including snowbanks, homemade wooden paddles, Tesla coils, igloos, and railcars. Players must learn the secret rules of the board to access hard-to-reach areas and unlock valuable score bonuses, such as a mini-game that involves a Breakout-style gameplay segment within the pinball table.

❤ Emphasis on Exploration and Discovery

The game takes a "discovery-based" approach to pinball, encouraging players to explore the table and uncover its many secrets. This sense of exploration and discovery is further enhanced by the game's vertical scrolling design, which allows players to navigate a larger play area than typical pinball tables.

❤ Exciting Multiball Modes

The game features exciting multiball modes, where players can control multiple snow spheres at once, adding to the challenge and complexity of the gameplay.

❤ Charming Presentation

The game's presentation is a standout feature, with its detailed 16-bit-inspired pixel art and a chilled-out, holiday-themed soundtrack. The visual style and audio complement the winter-themed gameplay exceptionally well, creating a cozy and immersive experience.

❤ Replayability and Challenges

While the game only features a single pinball table, the depth of its mechanics and the various secrets and challenges to uncover provide a high degree of replayability. Players can compete for high scores and work towards completing achievements, adding to the game's long-term appeal.

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