by MAETH, Rogue Games, Inc.

The Developer Says...

SPRAWL is a hardcore retro FPS set in an endless cyberpunk megalopolis. Escape the walled city and take on the militarized government of the sprawl. Fueled by the blood of your enemies and a mysterious voice in your head, make your way towards the spire to topple whatever lays within.

Players Like...

❤ Fluid, High-Speed Movement

Players can perform a diverse array of parkour maneuvers, fluidly transitioning between wall-running, double-jumping, and a shotgun-powered boost. Reviewers praise this movement system as responsive and satisfying to master, allowing them to navigate levels and engage enemies in creative, high-speed ways.

❤ Diverse, Impactful Weapons

The game features a wide selection of weapons, each with distinctive strengths. For instance, the shotgun stands out as exceptionally powerful, delivering a satisfying punch that can even propel players through the air. Players are encouraged to experiment with different weapon combinations to overcome the variety of enemy types.

❤ Skill-Based Combat and "Bullet Time"

A key combat mechanic is the ability to enter a slow-motion "bullet time" mode by building an "adrenaline" meter through precision kills. This allows players to carefully line up headshots and plan their attacks, creating a dynamic interplay between high-speed movement and calculated shooting.

❤ Rewarding Exploration and Level Design

The large, vertically-oriented levels reward exploration and mastery of the movement system. Multiple paths and platforming challenges encourage players to wall-run, double-jump, and utilize the environment to their advantage. While some reviewers noted occasional issues with level clarity, the levels are generally seen as well-crafted playgrounds for the game's movement-focused mechanics.

❤ Cohesive, Synergistic Gameplay

The various gameplay systems - movement, combat, exploration - work together seamlessly. Quickly swapping between weapons, using bullet time for precision shots, and chaining together movement abilities to traverse levels and eliminate enemies in stylish ways creates a tremendously rewarding gameplay loop. Mastering these interlocking systems is a core part of the game's appeal.

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