
by Team Panoptes

The Developer Says...

Panoptic is a local multiplayer VR game that pits you against a friend, where you play as either the giant Overseer or tiny Challenger in a stealthy game of cat and mouse. Will the Challenger slip away undetected through the crowds, or will the Overseer track them down with their powerful laser eye?

Players Like...

❤ Asymmetric Gameplay

The game pits two players against each other in a unique game of cat and mouse. One player takes on the role of the "Overseer" in VR, wielding the power to seek out and eliminate the other player. The other player plays as the "Challenger" on a PC, tasked with navigating through the environment and completing objectives without being detected by the Overseer. This stark contrast in scale and capabilities between the two roles creates a highly engaging and tense gameplay dynamic.

❤ Gameplay Variety and Replayability

The game features several distinct levels and environments for players to explore, each with their own unique layout and challenges. This variety ensures that the gameplay never feels repetitive, as players must adapt their strategies to the specific map they are playing on. Furthermore, the game's adjustable difficulty allows players of different skill levels to enjoy a balanced and fair experience, while the inherent replayability of the asymmetric gameplay ensures lasting appeal.

❤ Immersive VR Perspective

For the Overseer player in VR, the game provides a truly immersive and engaging experience. The sense of scale and presence is remarkable, as the Overseer player towers over the diminutive Challenger and their environment. The ability to freely look around and scan the level with their powerful laser eye creates a palpable feeling of power and control, elevating the cat-and-mouse dynamic.

❤ Intense Stealth Gameplay

For the Challenger player, the game offers a tense and exhilarating stealth experience. Navigating through the levels while evading the Overseer's watchful gaze requires careful planning, quick reflexes, and a keen eye for detail. The need to blend in with the crowd of NPCs and time movements to avoid detection creates a constant sense of tension and urgency, further enhanced by the Challenger's limited perspective.

❤ Cooperative Asymmetry

The game's asymmetric design encourages a collaborative and cooperative dynamic between the two players, despite their opposing roles. The customizable difficulty settings allow players to adjust parameters to handicap the stronger player and provide a more even playing field, catering to players of different skill levels and fostering a shared sense of adventure and challenge.

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