Tiny Thor

by Asylum Square, Gameforge 4D GmbH

The Developer Says...

Jump into this challenging retro platformer! Play as Thor, use his mighty hammer and unique items to explore the Northern Realms. Beware of mythical creatures blocking your path to become a god!

Players Like...

❤ Mastering the Mighty Hammer

Players take on the role of Thor, using his iconic hammer Mjölnir as the core gameplay mechanic. The hammer can freely ricochet off surfaces and enemies, allowing players to devise creative platforming strategies. Mastering the nuances of aiming and bouncing the hammer is integral to navigating the game's challenges.

❤ Precise, Demanding Platforming

The levels present a wide array of obstacles, traps, and environmental puzzles that test players' timing and reflexes. Many reviewers have likened the difficulty to the acclaimed platformer Celeste, praising the gameplay's fair but unforgiving challenge. Clearing a section may require dozens of attempts, but the sense of satisfaction upon success is palpable.

❤ Expanding Your Abilities

As players progress, they unlock new special abilities earned by defeating bosses. These abilities, such as enhanced jumps or hammer techniques, expand the platforming toolkit and require players to constantly adapt their strategies to overcome increasingly complex challenges.

❤ Epic Boss Battles

Interspersed between platforming levels are intense boss encounters, each with unique mechanics that players must learn and overcome. These battles provide climactic moments that test players' mastery of the hammer and platforming skills.

❤ Rewarding Exploration

The game encourages exploration, with a variety of secrets and collectibles hidden throughout the levels. Seeking out these items, from gems to bonus challenges, provides additional incentive to thoroughly scour each environment.

❤ Tight, Responsive Controls

Players consistently praise the game's tight, responsive controls, which are essential for executing the demanding platforming maneuvers. The handling of Thor and the hammer is described as feeling precise and satisfying, allowing for a high skill ceiling.

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