Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You

by Osmotic Studios

The Developer Says...

Big Brother has arrived - and it’s you. Investigate the lives of citizens to find those responsible for a series of terror attacks. Information from the internet, personal communications and private files are all accessible to you. But, be warned, the information you supply will have consequences.

Players Like...

❤ Meticulously Sifting Through Digital Breadcrumbs

As an investigator for the government's surveillance program, you must sift through a wealth of digital information to gather data on suspected terrorists. The game presents you with a specialized interface that simulates the "Orwell" system, highlighting various "datachunks" of web pages, social media posts, emails, and private communications. You must carefully read and analyze each piece of information, deciding which to upload to the suspects' profiles and which to discard. This investigative gameplay loop is praised by players as engaging and thought-provoking, as the game does not simply provide clear-cut answers. Instead, you must use your own judgment and intuition to piece together the full picture from the fragmented information, with your choices directly impacting the unfolding narrative.

❤ Grappling with Moral Dilemmas

Your decisions in Orwell often present you with ethical quandaries, as uploading certain pieces of information can have devastating consequences for the suspects, even if they are not ultimately guilty. For example, you may discover compromising personal details that could ruin an individual's life. Players appreciate the game's refusal to offer simplistic "good" or "bad" choices, instead forcing them to weigh the potential outcomes of their actions. The impact of these decisions is not always immediately apparent, as the story unfolds across multiple episodes, leaving players with a tangible sense of responsibility for the fates of the game's characters.

❤ Immersive Worldbuilding and Narrative

Beyond the core investigative gameplay, Orwell's dystopian setting, inspired by the works of George Orwell, is vividly realized through the player's interactions with the surveillance system and the various characters they encounter. The writing and voice acting are praised for their authenticity, drawing players deeper into the experience and evoking emotional responses as they become invested in the characters' stories.

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