Lost Chronicles of Zerzura

by Cranberry Production, Viva Media

The Developer Says...

When one brother is taken away by the Inquisition, the other must search for answers that will set his imprisoned sibling free. You’ll be quickly immersed in an extraordinary expedition, as you explore the ravishingly beautiful and detailed locations and solve a unique combination of puzzles, mini-games, and other challenges within the...

Players Like...

❤ Narrative and Storytelling

The game's historical setting during the Inquisition in 16th century Spain, which creates a tense and compelling backdrop for the protagonist's quest to save his imprisoned brother. The narrative explores the contrast between the scientific/rational mindset of the inventor protagonist and the mystical interests of his brother, adding layers of depth and complexity.
The well-developed personalities of the main characters, particularly the protagonist and his female companion, which players found engaging and grew attached to over the course of the adventure.
The twists and turns in the plot, which kept players invested in the outcome and the protagonist's journey, whether it involved evading the Inquisition, navigating different cultures, or ultimately confronting the ancient secrets of the legendary city of Zerzura.

❤ Gameplay Mechanics

The diverse and logically designed puzzles, which challenged players to combine inventory items in creative ways to progress through the story. These puzzles struck a balance between being challenging and rewarding to solve.
The smooth and intuitive point-and-click interface, which allowed for easy navigation and interaction with the game world, including the helpful hotspot indicator feature that reduced frustration.
The automatic running of the protagonist, which eliminated tedious traversal and kept the pacing of the adventure flowing.

❤ Audio and Production Values

The well-executed voice acting, which brought the characters to life and enhanced the overall immersive experience.
The atmospheric background music, which complemented the game's tone and setting.

❤ Overall Experience

The game's ability to captivate players and make them feel invested in the protagonist's journey, leading to a memorable and enjoyable playthrough, despite the game's status as a "hidden gem" in the adventure game genre.

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