by OhNoo Studio, Smile

The Developer Says...

TSIOQUE (pronounced: "chiock") is a dark but playful Point & Click adventure, hand-animated in meticulous, frame-by-frame 2D. Escape the clutches of an Evil Wizard and discover the secrets hidden within the spellbound castle of your ancestors.

Players Like...

❤ Story and Characters

Clever and surprising storyline that takes an unexpected turn, subverting players' expectations. The ending, in particular, is described as moving and impactful, leaving a strong emotional impression.
Engaging and well-written dialogue, with the rhyming narration in the style of a fairy tale book adding to the immersive, storybook-like atmosphere.
Tsioque, the determined and resourceful young protagonist, is a likeable and entertaining character who players enjoy following on her adventure, even as she stubbornly faces the challenges before her.

❤ Gameplay

Logical and satisfying puzzle design, where solutions often require creative thinking and utilizing the environment, rather than simply combining inventory items.
Timed challenges and quick-reaction sequences that add a sense of urgency and tension, though they are balanced so that they do not feel overly punishing or frustrating.
The castle's ability to shapeshift and transform adds an element of mystery and unpredictability to the exploration, as players never know what to expect around the next corner.

❤ Production Values

Meticulously hand-animated, frame-by-frame 2D visuals that bring the characters and environments to life with a charming, whimsical aesthetic.
A dynamic, adaptive soundtrack that enhances the mood and atmosphere, seamlessly reacting to the player's actions and progress.
High-quality voice acting, particularly for the main narration, which helps to further immerse players in the fairy tale-like storytelling.

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