by the Bratans, Smola Game Studio, Agafonoff

The Developer Says...

The great exploits of the Ancient Rus in the war with the lizards. Immerse yourself in the world of Hyperborea and defeat hordes of Lizards and other unholy who encroached on holy places Ancestors. Choose a blessed hero and go save the world from the green plague.

Players Like...

❤ Engaging Combat System

Players take control of a variety of heroic characters, each with their own unique fighting styles and abilities. The combat system encourages a combination of strategic thinking and lightning-fast reflexes, as players must skillfully time their dodges, blocks, and devastating special attacks to overcome the onslaught of lizards and other unholy creatures. The controls feel responsive and precise, allowing for swift and agile navigation of the battlefield.

❤ Diverse Enemy Variety

The game presents players with a diverse array of enemy types, from standard lizard infantry to more powerful and specialized variants. Defeating these foes requires a different approach and set of tactics, as each opponent poses unique threats. Mastering the ability to adapt one's strategies is crucial to overcoming the challenges posed by the game's diverse cast of enemies.

❤ Satisfying Abilities and Combos

As players progress, they unlock a wide range of powerful abilities and combat techniques for their chosen hero. These range from devastating area-of-effect attacks to swift, acrobatic maneuvers that allow for quick repositioning and evasion. Mastering the intricate combination of these abilities and learning to execute fluid, stylish combat combos is a key component of player progression and satisfaction.

❤ Challenging, Yet Rewarding Difficulty

The battles against the hordes of lizards and other foes require a high level of skill and adaptability, testing the player's reflexes, timing, and strategic decision-making. Overcoming these challenges and emerging victorious is a deeply rewarding experience that leaves players with a profound sense of accomplishment.

❤ Cooperative Gameplay

The game's cooperative multiplayer mode allows players to team up with friends to take on the lizard menace. The ability to coordinate attacks, cover each other's weaknesses, and celebrate victories together adds a whole new layer of camaraderie and enjoyment to the gameplay experience.

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