Ultimate Chicken Horse

by Clever Endeavour Games

The Developer Says...

Ultimate Chicken Horse is a party platformer game where you build the level as you play, placing traps and hazards to screw your friends over, but trying not to screw yourself.

Players Like...

❤ Unique Premise and Gameplay Loop

The game presents players with a unique and highly engaging premise. In each round, they take turns placing platforms, obstacles, and hazards to create a challenging 2D platforming level. Players must then compete to navigate through the level they collectively built, skillfully maneuvering past the traps they set for each other.

❤ Flexible Level Creation

Players have access to a wide variety of interactive elements that they can freely place around the stage, enabling endless possibilities for level design. This flexibility encourages both friendly sabotage, as players try to outwit each other, and collaborative level creation, as they work together to craft intricate, multi-layered stages. The freedom to customize the playing field in each round is a key factor in the game's replayability.

❤ Skill-Based Platforming

The platforming gameplay itself draws comparisons to challenging yet smooth-feeling 2D platformers. Factors like momentum, timing, and positioning are crucial as players leap across gaps, wall-jump, and dodge hazards. The floaty, responsive controls take some getting used to, but mastering the nuances is extremely satisfying. Even experienced players can still make embarrassing mistakes, creating a constant sense of tension and excitement.

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