
by Final Form Games, Batterystaple Games

The Developer Says...

Set sail for 17th-century British Colonial Mars in Jamestown+: a cooperative shoot-em-up for 1-4 brave souls, designed to be exciting for players of all skill levels.

Players Like...

❤ Accessible Yet Challenging Shoot 'Em Up Gameplay

The game features multiple difficulty settings, allowing newcomers to the genre to enjoy the experience while also providing an intense challenge for experienced shmup players. Players can choose from a variety of ships, each with unique standard and special attacks. The "Armada" ships further expand the customization, allowing players to mix and match different weapons.

❤ Cooperative Multiplayer

Cooperative multiplayer for up to 4 players is a key strength, with the wide screen and enemy patterns designed around teamwork. However, the game scales the difficulty for solo play, so lone players can still have an exciting experience.

❤ Scoring and Progression System

Maintaining a "Vaunt" meter is crucial for earning high scores - this meter increases as players defeat enemies and collect items, and can also provide temporary invincibility. Unlocking new ships, weapons, and challenges through the in-game store incentivizes progression.

❤ Challenging Yet Fair Difficulty

While the game can be quite challenging, especially at higher difficulties, reviewers praise the fair and well-designed difficulty curve. The small player hitbox and generous invincibility frames help prevent cheap deaths, focusing the challenge on player improvement.

❤ Impressive Presentation

Jamestown+ also impresses with its production values, including stunning pixel art graphics, an award-winning orchestral soundtrack, and smooth, responsive controls. The unique 17th century colonial Mars setting is a standout feature.

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