Marvel's Midnight Suns

by Firaxis Games, 2K

The Developer Says...

FIGHT AND STRATEGIZE LIKE A SUPER HERO IN THE DARKER CORNERS OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE. Play as The Hunter, a legendary demon slayer who must lead a team of Super Heroes and supernatural warriors facing apocalyptic threats.

Players Like...

❤ The Tactical Card-Based Combat

You play turn-based tactical missions, deploying a team of up to three heroes. Each hero has a unique deck of ability cards that you can customize and upgrade. You draw from this collective deck to make moves, managing a shared Heroism resource that powers stronger abilities. The combat rewards strategic positioning and synergy between hero abilities. Weaker attacks generate Heroism, while powerful moves consume it, forcing you to carefully sequence your card plays. You can also interact with the environment, creating environmental hazards and combos to gain advantages. With limited card plays and redraws per turn, you must thoughtfully decide which abilities to use. The small, focused map sizes encourage tactical maneuvering and flanking rather than relying on cover mechanics. This card-based system provides a fresh, Marvel-themed spin on the tactical RPG genre, rewarding deckbuilding and positioning.

❤ Diverse Hero Playstyles

The 13 playable characters each have distinct ability decks, fitting different roles like damage dealers, crowd controllers, tanks, and support. Spiderman focuses on mobility and multi-target attacks, while Iron Man excels at ranged firepower and AoE damage. Magik specializes in teleportation and area control, while Blade is a melee-oriented damage dealer. This variety encourages experimentation with different team compositions to find synergies and counter enemy threats. Further customization through a skill tree system allows you to specialize each hero's playstyle to your preferences.

❤ Environmental Interactions

The tactical environments are not merely static backdrops - you can spend Heroism points to interact with objects, creating powerful combo opportunities. You can push enemies into hazards like electrified floors or explosive barrels, dealing additional damage. You can also chain attacks that knock back enemies and then slam them into walls or obstacles. These environmental interactions add an extra layer of strategy, as you must consider both your hero abilities and how to leverage the battlefield. The destructibility of certain objects further enhances this dynamic, allowing you to shape the flow of combat proactively.

❤ Challenging Yet Rewarding Difficulty

The combat presents a meaningful challenge that requires careful planning and execution. Enemies become progressively more numerous and dangerous, forcing you to optimize your deckbuilding and team compositions. The difficulty curve is well-paced, gradually introducing new enemy types and mechanics that you must adapt to. Attacks always hit, and damage values are predetermined, avoiding frustrating random chance-based outcomes. This creates a sense of mastery as you improve your understanding of the combat system and refine your approach. Overcoming these challenges and optimizing hero builds to tackle increasingly difficult missions is deeply satisfying, providing a compelling gameplay loop.

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