Oriental Empires

by Shining Pixel Studios, Iceberg Interactive

The Developer Says...

Turn based 4X strategy game, recreating the civilizations of ancient China. Develop your land, build great cities, raise huge armies and fight epic battles, with hundreds of soldiers fighting right on the game map. Advance your technologies, culture and religion to create one of mankind’s biggest empires.

Players Like...

❤ Simultaneous Turn-Based Combat

Players will find the combat system to be a standout feature that sets this game apart. Instead of taking turns moving and attacking, all players simultaneously make their moves before the battles play out. This creates an interesting dynamic where players must predict and react to their opponents' movements, rather than just optimizing their own turns. The battles themselves are semi-automated, with players issuing broad tactics for their units rather than directly controlling their movements. This gives a feeling of realism, as if the battles are unfolding independently based on the strategic decisions made.

❤ Balancing Nobles, Peasants, and Authority

A core part of the gameplay is managing the delicate balance between the noble and peasant classes. Players must carefully juggle edicts, building construction, and military recruitment to keep both classes satisfied and productive. Relying too heavily on nobles angers the peasants, who produce more resources but can also revolt if overtaxed or overworked. Maintaining the right level of authority, gained through researching technologies, and cultural development is crucial to avoiding crippling unrest.

❤ Restricted City Placement

Unlike many similar games, this one restricts where new cities can be built. The terrain, proximity to resources, and existing settlement locations all factor into where a player can place a new city. This creates more strategic depth in planning empire expansion, as players have to carefully consider the long-term implications of each new settlement.

❤ Exploration and Resource Access

While players can't simply found cities anywhere, they aren't limited to only exploiting resources within their borders. The game encourages exploration to find and access distant resource deposits, which can provide a crucial advantage. This adds an interesting dynamic, as players have to weigh the risks of sending vulnerable settler units deep into unknown territory against the potential rewards.

❤ Faction Diversity and Unique Mechanics

Each of the 24 playable factions has its own unique starting position, advantages, and disadvantages. Some specialize in certain unit types or technologies, while others focus on diplomacy or cultural development. This variety, combined with the game's core mechanics, leads to diverse strategic approaches and replayability.

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