Tennis Elbow 2013

by Mana Games

The Developer Says...

Created by and for tennis fans, Tennis Elbow 2013 is a tennis simulation with an easy and intuitive learning curve, but with exceptional gameplay depth.

Players Like...

❤ Realistic Tennis Simulation

Players consistently praise this game as one of the most realistic tennis simulations available. The developer aimed to capture the precise mechanics and strategy of real-life tennis, rather than providing an arcade-style experience. Reviewers emphasize that the game feels incredibly true to the sport, with positioning, timing, and tactical elements of shots being crucial to success.

❤ Precise Shot Control

A key aspect of the game's realism is the level of control players have over each shot. Rather than simply timing button presses, the game requires precise aiming and selection of shot types. Reviewers note that factors like spin, power, and placement must all be carefully considered to execute effective shots. This level of control, while challenging to master, provides a deep and satisfying tennis experience.

❤ Unforced Errors and Realistic Rallies

Many reviewers highlight the game's handling of unforced errors as a strength. In contrast to other tennis games where perfect shots are easy to execute, this title punishes poor positioning and technique. Players must carefully walk the line between playing aggressively and avoiding making costly mistakes. This translates to rallies that feel organic and true-to-life, with the ebb and flow of a real tennis match.

❤ Challenging Difficulty Curve

The depth of the simulation is accompanied by a steep learning curve. Reviewers warn that the game is not easy to pick up and master, especially for those accustomed to more arcade-style tennis games. However, they also note that persevering through the initial struggle is rewarding, as the gameplay reveals itself to be incredibly satisfying and immersive for devoted tennis fans.

❤ Versatile Gameplay Options

To accommodate players with different skill levels and preferences, the game offers a range of difficulty settings and gameplay options. Reviewers appreciate the ability to customize various aspects of the experience, from shot assistance tools to the number of games per set. This flexibility allows the game to be accessible to newcomers while still providing a robust simulation for experienced players.

❤ Extensive Customization and Modding

While the base game features generic player names and limited visual fidelity, the title is praised for its extensive modding capabilities. Reviewers highlight how the active modding community has been able to enhance the experience by introducing licensed players, updated graphics, and other content improvements. This flexibility is seen as a strength that allows the game to reach its full potential.

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