
by Wadjet Eye Games

The Developer Says...

A post-apocalyptic adventure game from the publisher that brought you Primordia, Gemini Rue and Technobabylon! A young woman stricken with a deadly plague searches for a cure in a hostile world.

Players Like...

❤ Story and Worldbuilding

The game's focus on the daily struggles and survival of citizens in the post-apocalyptic setting, rather than just the grand dystopian narrative. This creates a sense of immersion, as the player gets a deeper understanding of how people cope in this broken world.
The incorporation of detailed worldbuilding elements, such as the Reaper-themed children's rhymes and propaganda inspired by real historical examples. These small touches help to flesh out the game's unique setting and add depth to the experience.
The game's ability to convey backstory and setting details through environmental storytelling, allowing the player to piece together the narrative at their own pace rather than being spoon-fed exposition.

❤ Characters and Narrative

The well-written and believable characters who feel like real people dealing with the challenges of their circumstances, rather than archetypes or caricatures.
The narrative's exploration of the protagonist Amy's personal history and relationships, which adds emotional resonance to the player's choices and actions.
The multiple endings that offer meaningful choices with significant consequences, encouraging players to consider the moral and ethical implications of their decisions.

❤ Gameplay

The logical, satisfying puzzle design that strikes a balance between challenge and accessibility, avoiding overly frustrating or obtuse challenges.
The inclusion of a fast travel system, which helps to streamline navigation and prevent the gameplay from feeling tedious or repetitive.
The manual save system that allows players to experiment with different choices without having to replay the entire game.

❤ Audio

The high-quality voice acting that brings the characters to life and enhances the player's connection to the narrative.
The atmospheric and thematically appropriate musical score that sets the tone for the game's bleak and somber setting.

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