The Developer Says...

ENDLESS™ Legend is a 4X turn-based fantasy strategy game by the creators of ENDLESS™ Space and Dungeon of the ENDLESS™. Control every aspect of your civilization as you struggle to save your homeworld Auriga. Create your own Legend!

Players Like...

❤ Restricting Each Region to a Single City

Unlike most 4X games where cities can expand outward and claim nearby tiles, this game restricts each region to a single city. This encourages careful placement and planning, as players must choose where to establish their foothold in each region.

❤ Influence as a Scarce Resource

The game introduces an "influence" system, which is used for diplomatic actions and enacting empire-wide policies. Influence is a scarce resource that players must manage alongside traditional 4X resources like food, industry, science, and dust (the in-game currency).

❤ Adapting to Seasonal Changes

A key gameplay element is the regular cycle of summer and winter seasons. During the harsh winter months, production and movement are severely hampered, forcing players to adapt their strategies. Preparing for and weathering the increasingly long and brutal winters is a central challenge.

❤ Diverse Faction Playstyles

The wide variety of playable factions, each with their own distinct units, buildings, faction quests, and win conditions, encourages multiple playthroughs. From the technologically-advanced Vaulters to the cannibalistic Necrophages, exploring the nuances of the different civilizations is a delight.

❤ Tactical, Risk-Based Combat

Combat utilizes a unique tactical battle system that plays out on a separate hex-based map. Players issue orders to their units at the start of each round, then watch the outcomes unfold. Unit abilities, terrain, and formations all play a key role in the flow of battles, adding an element of risk and unpredictability.

❤ Engaging Quests and Heroes

In addition to the main narrative campaign, the game features a wealth of side quests and hero characters that provide additional strategic depth. Faction-specific quests offer unique rewards and paths to victory, while heroes can be equipped and leveled up to lead armies or govern cities.

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