
by torcado

The Developer Says...

Windowkill is a twin-stick shooter, but the game window itself is constantly closing in on you. Shoot the window edges to push it around your screen as you fight and dodge enemies and bosses in their own windows.

Players Like...

❤ Players Expand and Control the Window

The core gameplay revolves around constantly expanding and controlling the game window. The window relentlessly closes in on the player, who must shoot the edges to expand its size. This creates a dynamic and shifting play area that players must continuously adapt to. Enemies and bosses also spawn in their own windows, which interact with the player's window in unique ways.

❤ Multitasking Challenges

In addition to managing the window, players must contend with hordes of enemies and challenging boss encounters. The game demands adept multitasking as players must simultaneously shoot foes, expand their window, and dodge a barrage of enemy attacks. This creates a frantic and engaging experience, as players must balance these diverse gameplay elements.

❤ Roguelike Progression and Replayability

Upon death, players lose their progress but can use accumulated resources to unlock new perks, characters, and upgrades. This encourages repeated playthroughs and experimentation with different strategies. The randomized shop and enemy encounters also add to the game's replayability, as each run presents new challenges.

❤ Intense Bullet Hell Action

At its core, the gameplay focuses on twin-stick shooting mechanics and intense bullet hell action. Players must deftly dodge and weave through dense enemy projectile patterns, with the dynamic window mechanic adding an extra layer of complexity to this thrilling gameplay.

❤ Unique and Satisfying Boss Battles

The game features a variety of challenging boss encounters, each with their own distinct mechanics and attack patterns. These bosses often spawn in separate windows, requiring players to carefully position their window to engage and defeat them. The boss battles are a highlight, offering intense and rewarding moments of triumph.

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