Rez Infinite

by Monstars Inc., Resonair, Enhance

The Developer Says...

The legendary action-shooter finally comes to PC, and in style! Blast your way through mind-melting visuals and amazing beats, all in your quest through cyberspace to save a world on the verge of collapse. Playable on your desktop or in fully immersive VR.

Players Like...

❤ Synchronizing Shots to Techno Beats

The core gameplay loop involves using your cursor to lock onto and shoot down wireframe enemies and obstacles. What sets this apart is how your shots directly synchronize with the pulsing, techno-inspired soundtrack. Tapping the fire button to release a volley of shots in time with the music's rhythms creates a mesmerizing audiovisual experience, rewarding you with satisfying beats and visual effects.

❤ Evolving Abilities and Challenges

As you defeat enemies, you can collect power-ups that gradually transform your simple wireframe avatar into a more detailed, human-like form. This visual progression also impacts the gameplay, granting your character increased resilience to enemy fire. The levels themselves escalate in complexity as well, introducing faster enemy patterns, larger boss encounters, and more elaborate environmental obstacles that require adapting your shooting strategies.

❤ Synesthetic Immersion

The game's minimalist, wireframe aesthetic bursts to life through a dazzling array of pulsing colors, particle effects, and abstract shapes that morph and transform in lockstep with the throbbing soundtrack. Players consistently describe the experience as "hypnotic," "mesmerizing," and even "psychedelic" - a complete sensory immersion that transports you into the game's futuristic cyberspace.

❤ Exploratory "Area X" and VR Support

In addition to the classic on-rails shooting, the game features an expansive new "Area X" mode that allows free-roaming 360-degree movement and exploration. This open-ended shooting gallery further amplifies the synesthetic qualities by giving you direct control over your character's navigation and perspective. The VR integration is also a revelation, with the ability to physically look around the environment and aim with motion controllers dramatically heightening the sense of presence and embodiment. Reviewers frequently cite the VR version as the definitive way to experience the game's hallucinatory, transcendent qualities.

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