by Uppercut Games Pty Ltd

The Developer Says...

EPOCH - Post-apocalyptic Robot Combat

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Overview

The game casts the player as a guardian robot in a post-apocalyptic world, tasking them with navigating between fixed cover positions and using a variety of weapons and abilities to defeat waves of hostile robots.

❤ Cover-based Shooting

Players move between three cover positions on each level, taking aim and firing at enemy robots that attack from multiple angles. Carefully switching between cover positions is crucial to avoiding damage while maintaining a line of fire.

❤ Weapon and Ability Variety

The player's arsenal includes standard firearms, grenade launchers, missile launchers, and special abilities like boosts, decoys, and countermeasures. This variety allows players to experiment with different playstyles and adapt their tactics to the specific threats they face.

❤ Progression and Customization

Defeating enemies earns the player experience points and salvaged resources, which can unlock and upgrade the player's weapons, armor, and abilities. This progression system enables players to tailor their loadout to their preferred playstyle.

❤ Challenge and Replayability

The game's difficulty ramps up significantly as players advance through the campaign, requiring mastery of the cover-based shooting mechanics and effective use of the player's arsenal to survive increasingly intense enemy encounters. The ability to replay levels on higher difficulty settings provides a high degree of replayability for those seeking to hone their skills and climb the game's leaderboards.

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