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❤ Story and Narrative
Player unravels the mystery of what happened to the disappeared crew by piecing together emails, audio recordings, and environmental clues
Two distinct endings that allow the player to determine the fate of the Letarri people's mission, providing a sense of agency
Lack of explicit exposition allows the story to unfold organically, making the player an active participant in the narrative
❤ Puzzles and Gameplay
Puzzles that require logical thinking and creative problem-solving, such as repairing damaged computer systems and allocating power without overloading circuits
Seamless integration of puzzles with the game's systems and environment, avoiding any "lunar logic" or disconnected challenges
Extensive manual save system with descriptive naming, allowing players to experiment and backtrack without fear of losing progress
❤ Exploration and Immersion
Sense of isolation and loneliness reinforced by the empty, malfunctioning ship environment
Ability to access holographic data archives that provide deeper context and backstory, encouraging exploration
Subtle environmental animations and effects, such as the sound of pneumatic doors and the player's footsteps, that contribute to the sense of being in a functional, lived-in space