
by Arrowfist Games,

The Developer Says...

Deflector is a top down action rogue-lite set in a deadly microcosm. Dive deep into hostile worlds teeming with viruses. Strike down increasingly challenging enemies with your weapons and their own deflected projectiles. Live, die, grow stronger and become powerful enough to reach the Source!

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Mechanics

The core mechanic of deflecting enemy projectiles back at them, which allows players to turn the tide of battle through skilled positioning and timing. For example, the Eradicator class can deflect their boomerang weapon to trigger on-deflect upgrades, demonstrating how this mechanic is deeply integrated into the character abilities.
The variety of character classes, each with distinct weapons and deflection mechanics. For instance, the Spark class forgoes traditional attacks entirely, instead spawning orbs that can be used to deflect incoming fire.
The challenging, fast-paced combat that requires constant evasion and precise deflection of a barrage of enemy projectiles.

❤ Progression and Replayability

The rogue-lite structure that enables players to unlock new character classes and persistent upgrades through repeated playthroughs, adding depth and incentive to continue playing.
The non-linear hub area that allows players to choose their own progression path through the different biomes, introducing an element of player agency and replayability.

❤ Audio Design

The game's soundtrack, which is praised for its ability to complement the chaotic and intense gameplay, creating a cohesive and immersive experience.

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