2番線 | Nibansen


The Developer Says...

If something unusual happens, return to the opposite passage! A mysterious respect-based escape game from the subway station to the exit "Line 2 | Nibansen"

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❤ Gameplay Overview

The first-person walking simulator challenges players to navigate a mysterious subway station, exploring repeating sections of "Line 2" to reach the exit at C7. The core gameplay loop involves carefully scanning the environment for any unusual or abnormal occurrences, and immediately backtracking if an anomaly is detected.

❤ Anomaly Detection and Exploration

Players must remain vigilant, quickly identifying subtle changes in the scenery or more overt supernatural events, such as sudden lighting shifts or the presence of unsettling entities. The level design, inspired by Japanese subway stations, provides a realistic backdrop that heightens the impact of the unexpected. Thorough exploration is essential, as some anomalies may be easily overlooked. The non-linear progression encourages players to experiment, backtrack, and approach the game in an open-ended manner, uncovering clues and discovering new paths.

❤ Respect-Based Mechanics

One unique aspect is the "respect-based" system, which prompts players to be considerate of other passengers, including the elderly, those uncomfortable with fear, and those with infants. By giving up their seats and accommodating others, players can potentially avoid or mitigate certain supernatural encounters. This mechanic adds an interesting layer of social consciousness, as players must balance their own safety and progress with the needs of their fellow passengers, creating unique tension and decision-making challenges.

❤ Puzzle-Solving and Progression

While primarily focused on exploration and anomaly detection, the game also features light puzzle-solving elements. Players may encounter environmental obstacles that require critical thinking and creative solutions to continue their journey. The non-linear progression through the repeating sections of "Line 2" encourages experimentation and discovery, as players uncover new clues and pathways.

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