Under A Star Long Cold

by Antonio Freyre, Merlino Games

The Developer Says...

You have 30 minutes to loot this place and pay your debts before the planet is destroyed. Intense stealth-action with permadeath. An exploration of agency and hope.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Overview

The game tasks you with looting a location and earning 50,000 credits within a strict 30-minute time limit before the planet is destroyed. It features a combination of stealth mechanics and fast-paced action, requiring you to carefully plan your approach and quietly take out enemies or engage in frenzied firefights when necessary.

❤ Stealth Mechanics

Reviewers frequently compare the stealth mechanics to the Metal Gear Solid series. You can crouch, sneak, and perform silent takedowns on unsuspecting enemies. Many highlight the satisfying feeling of successfully maneuvering through the environment undetected and picking off targets one by one. The open-ended nature of the levels allows for multiple approaches, encouraging experimentation and replay value.

❤ Responsive Controls

Reviewers consistently praise the responsive and smooth controls, which enable precise movement and action. The ability to quickly roll, sprint, and transition between stealth and action is cited as a key strength, allowing you to dynamically adapt to changing situations.

❤ Challenging Difficulty

The strict 30-minute time limit and the need to accumulate a significant amount of credits before the planet's destruction create a challenging, high-stakes experience. Players express a sense of tension and urgency as they race against the clock, trying to balance efficient looting with maintaining stealth. The difficulty is seen as a fair and rewarding challenge, with players highlighting the satisfaction of making progress or setting new personal bests.

❤ Replayability and Emergent Gameplay

The open-ended levels, multiple approaches, and permadeath mechanic (where a failed run results in starting over) foster a high degree of replayability. Players enjoy the emergent gameplay that arises from experimenting with different strategies and tactics, as well as the desire to improve upon their previous runs.

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