Filly Astray

by Bit Assembly

The Developer Says...

A platforming adventure game with a new take on combos, dare you adventure into the world of Filly Astray and face the monsters and mayhem within?!

Players Like...

❤ Platforming and Movement

Players must navigate tricky jumps, leaps, and traversal across various environments. The controls have a "heavy" feel, requiring adaptation to the platforming mechanics. Reviewers note the platforming emulates the acclaimed "weight and feel" of games like Celeste, with each jump and landing demanding careful consideration. However, some players struggled initially with the control responsiveness, finding the jumping occasionally "inconsistent" or "awkward".

❤ Combat and Combo System

The core gameplay loop centers around a demanding combat system, drawing comparisons to action-focused titles like Dark Souls. Players string together combos of attacks, blocks, and special moves to defeat a variety of enemy types. Reviewers praise the combat's depth and satisfaction when mastered, likening the experience to "fighting game" mechanics. However, the steep learning curve can lead to frustration, with some players feeling "stunlocked" by aggressive enemies before understanding the proper defensive maneuvers. Executing these combat combos is cited as one of the most rewarding and engaging aspects. By chaining attacks together, players can increase their damage output, creating a risk/reward dynamic.

❤ Boss Battles

The game's boss encounters consistently stand out as highlights. Reviewers describe the bosses as "varied" and demanding "pattern recognition," tasking players with learning and exploiting each adversary's attack patterns. Besting these challenging battles provides a tremendous sense of accomplishment, with one reviewer stating the feeling was more akin to "hell yeah, I did it!" rather than mere relief. However, the difficulty spike leading up to some of the later bosses was a potential point of frustration.

❤ Customization and Replay Value

While the core gameplay is the primary draw, the experience also offers light customization and progression systems to incentivize multiple playthroughs. Players can unlock new combat abilities and equip various cosmetic options, such as socks and bows, for their playable character. Coupled with the game's "hard" and "brutal" difficulty modes, these systems provide a solid foundation for players seeking an additional challenge or reason to revisit the experience.

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