The Hungry Lamb: Traveling in the Late Ming Dynasty

by 零创游戏(ZerocreationGame), 2P Games

The Developer Says...

Trek across ancient China in a dark, boundary-pushing visual novel inspired by traditional Chinese art with modern animation. Escort four girls to the prosperous city of Luoyang in a branching narrative with themes of revenge, cannibalism, involuntary servitude, and more on a redemptive journey.

Players Like...

❤ Narrative and Branching Storyline

Players take on the role of the protagonist, Liang, and make choices throughout the story that lead to multiple possible endings. The game emphasizes player agency, as the decisions made by the player can significantly impact the course of events and the ultimate outcome. For instance, players can choose to believe Sui's claims about the swine demon lord or remain skeptical, leading to vastly different narrative paths. This branching narrative structure encourages players to explore different choices and uncover the various narrative outcomes.

❤ Characterization and Interpersonal Relationships

The game excels at bringing its diverse cast of characters to life through well-written dialogue and interactions. Players navigate the relationships between Liang, the nine-year-old mute girl Sui, and other companions, such as the silver-tongued Tongue. As players delve into the characters' motivations, histories, and moral complexities, they become invested in the emotional and ethical dilemmas the characters face. For example, players may struggle with whether to trust Sui's sinister plans or to believe in Liang's potential for redemption.

❤ Exploration and Information Gathering

The gameplay encourages players to explore the game's environments and gather information to unravel the truth behind the central mystery. Players must carefully piece together clues and decide how to interpret the various perspectives and narratives presented to them. The game's attention to historical detail, such as the depiction of the late Ming Dynasty setting, further enhances the sense of immersion and exploration.

❤ Meaningful Choices and Consequences

The gameplay revolves around the player's ability to make significant choices that have tangible consequences. These choices often involve weighing complex factors and considering the potential ramifications. For instance, players may choose to help the abducted girls escape or to assist the swine demon lord, knowing that either decision could have far-reaching consequences.

❤ Emotional Impact and Storytelling

The game's narrative delves into themes of revenge, redemption, and the human condition, often in a harrowing and visceral manner. The well-crafted storyline, coupled with the game's attention to character development, creates a powerful emotional investment that resonates with players. Moments like Sui's heartbreaking backstory or Liang's struggle to find his moral compass can leave a lasting impact on players.

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