Tank Team

by Finndustries

The Developer Says...

A team based PVP game where groups of up to 8 players must work together to operate a tank!

Players Like...

❤ Cooperative Gameplay

Players must work together as a team of up to 8 members to operate a single tank
Each team member has a specific role, such as rotating the barrel, loading shells, and firing the main gun
Successful coordination and communication between team members is crucial to land accurate shots and defeat opponents

❤ Multiplayer Experience

Supports matches with up to 10 teams (80 players) competing against each other
Allows for team-based matches, where two teams of multiple tanks can face off
Encourages players to invite their friends to form a complete tank crew

❤ Varied Map Design

Offers a selection of maps, each with its own unique environmental features and challenges
These map-specific gimmicks and obstacles require teams to adapt their strategies and communication

❤ Comedic Potential

The high level of coordination required can lead to hilarious moments of miscommunication and chaos within the tank crew
These comical situations arise from the team members' attempts to work together effectively

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