Otome Riron to Sono Shuuhen -École de Paris-


The Developer Says...

《少女理论及其周边 -École de Paris-》是日本美少女游戏资深大厂Navel制作的超人气女装作品《近月少女的礼仪》的续作。讲述了前作主人公大藏游星为了陪同自己的妹妹里想奈前往巴黎留学而再次扮演小仓朝日成为女仆所展开的全新故事。本作曾在美少女游戏大赏荣获综合第3,剧本第1,作画第5等诸多奖项。

Players Like...

❤ Engaging Narrative Depth

The game captivates players with its intricate and multilayered storytelling, blending elements of noble life, aristocratic struggles, and the pursuit of personal dreams. The narrative features comprehensive emotional rendering, allowing players to fully experience the complex interplay of goodwill and malice among the characters. For instance, the script meticulously crafts character motivations and value systems, often surprising players with unexpected plot revelations that challenge their initial perceptions.

❤ Richly Developed Characters

One of the key strengths of the game is its vivid character development. The game seamlessly transitions from the somewhat contrived Bad End branch of the earlier title, centering on the protagonist's comeback from a low point. Both new and returning characters, such as the protagonist's sister Ookura Resona and the fan-favorite Sakuramachi Runa, are meticulously crafted, with flaws and nuances that make them feel authentic and relatable. The stellar voice acting beautifully conveys the characters' emotions and psychological shifts, further enhancing the immersive experience.

❤ Thematic Exploration and Attention to Detail

The game explores thought-provoking themes, such as family, discrimination, and the pursuit of talent, which are seamlessly woven into the narrative. These themes add a sense of realism and depth to the overall experience, encouraging players to ponder and engage with the story on a deeper level. Furthermore, the game features numerous intriguing details and foreshadows, inviting players to uncover the layers of the narrative.

❤ High-Quality Presentation

The game boasts a visually stunning presentation, with a significant upgrade in resolution and graphics compared to the previous title. The character designs are strikingly different, offering fans a fresh visual experience. The music, composed by the renowned musician Tsukasa Kikuchi, complements the narrative beautifully, enhancing the overall atmosphere and emotional impact.

❤ Critical Acclaim and Awards

The game has received critical acclaim, winning numerous awards at the prestigious Bishoujo Game Prizes, including the first prize in the character category, the Grand Prize, and high rankings in various other categories such as script, art, music, and more. These accolades are a testament to the game's exceptional quality and the dedication of its development team.

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