LAPIDARY: Jewel Craft Simulator


The Developer Says...

"LAPIDARY: Jewel Craft Simulator" is a simple and minimalistic gem crafting simulator. In the quiet of your workshop, process various rough stones to create gems with the ultimate sparkle.

Players Like...

❤ Minimalistic Gem Crafting Experience

The game puts players in a quiet workshop, tasking them with processing various rough stones to create dazzlingly sparkling gems. The experience is centered around a simple, yet captivating core gameplay loop.

❤ Intuitive Gemstone Processing

At the heart of the gameplay, players rotate a 3D model of the raw stone and carefully lower it onto a lathe to carve and shape the gemstone. This repetitive process requires focus and precision, as players must match the target shape of the gemstone. As they progress, players unlock upgrades that streamline and fine-tune this core loop, such as tools that slow down the rotation and grinding speed.

❤ Satisfying Crafting Progression

Completing each gemstone creation is rewarding, as players witness the transformation from a rough stone to a polished, shiny gem. The game evaluates the player's work, providing feedback in the form of a grade. Higher grades result in better rewards, motivating players to hone their skills and build an impressive collection of meticulously crafted gems.

❤ Relaxing, Casual Gameplay

The game is widely praised for its relaxing and casual nature. The lack of time pressure or complex mechanics allows players to immerse themselves in the soothing, meditative process of gem crafting. Many reviewers mention that the game serves as excellent stress relief, offering a calming and therapeutic experience.

❤ Room for Improvement

While the core gem crafting loop is engaging, some players have noted the lack of tutorials or in-game explanations for the various tools and upgrades. This can make the early game experience feel a bit confusing, as players have to figure out the mechanics on their own. Additionally, the absence of features like a gem display or sales system has been highlighted as a potential area for expansion.

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